Friday, August 11, 2017

Why many who tried to earn some money on the internet EASILY lose focus?

Why is it that many people who try to make money on the internet quickly lose focus and just give up? writing a lot of people jumping thing that thing that thing that you have the intention of starting a business and they want to start all sorts of different businesses so they might go I'm going to try affiliate marketing or I'm going to try email marketing or I'm going to try blocking I'm going to do videos or I'm going to do social media or I'm going to do offline Consulting I'm going to try eCommerce sure I'm going to make my own t shirts are you get the idea that just jump from thing to thing the thing is it's like people going to buy all sorts of horses in training instead of focusing on one particular aspect one particular thing but I want you to do is slow down take a step back and think about what you want your lifestyle to be like what you bring to the table how you want your business to be run do you want a business where you have an office and you have maybe dozens if not hundreds of employees do you want a business where you could work from home do you want a business where you could be traveling world doing whatever you want there are different lifestyles in different business choices based off those Lifestyles now a lot of these businesses businesses can be ramped up to the point where you can have that office space and you can have a bunch of employees under you working for you but I prefer much is your life-style I prefer being your work from home I prefer being able to travel whenever I want I prefer to be able to do my work on the road if I so desire so I have no business we're basically I send out emails for my own products and for other people's products and I make money that way so I'm going to break it down on how to start a business like my first off you need to pick your niche market so there's a few broad types of niches for instance health and fitness is very broad anything in the making money which is very broad anything in like the dating relationships is quite broad then there's like her bees and special interests and that's another product category so you want to make sure that you can if it's in at least one of those so friend since I'm in the internet marketing make money online that which is within the money that I make money on the internet and its make money online in various aspects so sometimes they talk about Facebook marketing sometimes I talk about this building some time to talk about affiliate marketing sometimes it talk about product creation about a bunch of little stuff and it's just that I'm in with the in the internet marketing community and that helps me make money in those different markets so you pick your not you want to just pick one when you're starting out then what you want to do is think about what how you're going to build your email list and what I would suggest doing is giving away like a free report or video series or even getting some soccer created within your neck that you can give away and that way you can get people on your email list and you can get them to know like and trust you so you can start giving them some additional bonus training whenever you're doing videos like me and you could build a relationship with them that way you can get them on your email list promote various affiliate offers and that's a great way so you don't have to focus on creating a sales page and try the product and relief building fallen into this you can promote some of Phillip rocks lie still promote tons of affiliate offers to promote some affiliate offers to start I would focus on affiliate sites like where your place and babies do so you can find some offers in your niche market and promote those to the email list now you can do some stuff to stand out like creating bonuses or giving some sort of rebate for instance for people to purchase through your link those types of things can help you make a lot more sales you can do video reviews of the price sheet form of those those things will help you stand out and I don't even if you did interviews with the extra 20 have a little bit of the following online you can make a lot of sales that way so those are a handful tabs

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